privacy policy

  1. The privacy and trust of individuals who visit the Darway website are important to us. As it is not possible to obtain personal information from this site unless it is officially presented by any individual himself while participating in the platform. Obtaining information Which later requires others to communicate with them. As "personal information" means any information related to the registered member himself, that is, he can be identified by other users in the event that any property is displayed within the platform.
  2. We also obtain statistical information to help us understand how people use our website so that we can continue to work to improve and develop our services.
  3. The information obtained will not have any connection with any specific person, and there will be no attempt to view the profile of people by those who browse the website.
  4. Use of information Darway uses contact information. This may be by responding to you directly or by improving the site.
  5. It is permissible to keep the e-mail, contact number, or request other required information.
  6. To save information, there is a database of users with registration details registered by each person.
  7. The cookies used help us to keep track and save the information, so the user will not need to provide that information many times, as that information obtained through cookies on this site is treated in the same way as other information obtained here.
  8. You can match your web browser to refuse cookies or notify you when a website attempts to send you cookies.
  9. You can check the cookies and delete them from your computer.